Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Danika- Nov. 14

We had lasagna for lunch. In the afternoon, we went to the pool across the road and met our friends Jiska and Phebe there. After swimming a little bit, we went to their house for supper. It was lasagna. We played hide-and-seek in the dark and then had cake that their big sister Lydia had made. We played for fifteen more minutes and then their dad took us home in his ambulance. I was really sweaty because the hide-and seek game was so much fun! See you, Danika


Anonymous said...

Hi you guys, the Hammonds are thinking of you here at home. We are following your Blog, keep writing please. We still have snow here, so enjoy the warmth. Brooke wants Danika to know she missed her shots today, lucky girl!

Deanna said...

Danika, we had pasta for dinner tonight, too! Why does your friend's Dad drive an ambulance? Is he a paramedic?
...Auntie Dee

Deanna said...

Were you it for hide-and-seek?
from Kai