Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Kenai - Nov 27

Here are a few pictures of Kenai's highlights and experiences:

Kenai and I would often go visit Mimi and Alima while Danika and Asher were in school.  Each visit, Alima would make Kenai Bouille - a breakfast broth made from millet, with little millet balls in it.  Burkinabe drink bouille with a small ladle, slurping the broth from the side of the ladle.  Kenai remembers very clearly having bouille at their house and was looking forward to reliving this experience.  This morning when we went to visit, Alima had the bouille waiting for Kenai...

 And here is the ingeniously created helicopter that Mimi gave Kenai as a gift.  It is sewed together with pieces of woven plastic.

 Kenai climbing in a mango tree...  and Kenai holding the turtle (actually a tortoise) that we got shortly after it hatched.  That was 4 years ago, and the turtle was then no bigger than my fist...

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