Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Young People Take Church Seriously in Burkina Faso

Our new worship space has a minor problem – it’s outside and it’s rainy season! On Sunday, it rained all morning and so after consulting with our pastor, we decided to have a family worship time. What we didn’t realize was that the students at the university residence and other students who did not live there were preparing an impromptu worship service. Sure, there was no preacher nor worship leader planned, but these young people, some of whom rode their bikes in the pouring rain to get to the worship space, held a worship service that they have been talking about all week.
“It was marvellous,” says Jérémie. “We were just a bunch of youth, but we did it all on our own.”

Othniel, who was called upon to preach on the spur of the moment, said he was disappointed at first because nothing came to him. He had no idea what to say. Then, he just decided to talk about what he has recently been interested in in the Bible – Nehemiah, a great model for a church leader and motivator. The rest of the group was amazed at how passionate Othniel was and how the Spirit really came through and spoke to them.

Kind of reminds you of the Early Church, doesn’t it? Or maybe Conrad Grebel at age 25 or so leading a group of Anabaptists in passionate, but underground worship? It is such a joy to be part of such a passionate group. How do we sometimes feel when we get up on Sunday morning? Are we excited about church? We sure felt sheepish when we saw the guys later that day – we are the only ones with a car in the church, and even we didn’t brave the elements to go.

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