Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 2009 Prayer Letter

How can young people keep their way pure? By guarding it according to your word.. Psalm 119.9

Some of you who donated old film cameras might be wondering what became of them. Let me tell you the story of François. He bought one of the more quality cameras donated. These cameras were not just given away, but a reasonable price was agreed on and the money was given to the church. François not only paid back the money he gave for the camera (around $60 CAN) but he took the camera home over Christmas, took pictures of people in his village, and made enough money to pay for his entire university year. Not only that, but he is becoming a quality photographer. He has a gift. He is continuing to earn small amounts of money on the side with his camera as he continues his studies. Thanks again to all of you for donating the cameras. We will let you know if we can use more some time.

We are nearing the end of a baptism course which prepares the participants for a life of discipleship, marked by a baptism on April 12. Please pray for the two young women, both with fairly similar and difficult experiences, who are learning about discipleship and being new creations.

We praise God for…

  • A smooth start to the university year.
  • Energy during a very hot time of year.
  • A successful change of motors in our car.

We request your prayer support for…

  • Our baptismal candidates.
  • Wisdom for discerning the future of the Foyer Evangélique Mennonite de Ouagadougou.

We welcome your contributions for our
support and invite you to send these to:

Mennonite Church Canada WITNESS
600 Shaftesbury Blvd
Winnipeg, MB, R3P 0M4

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