Okay, so most of us hear the word Linux and think...geek alert! (Sorry linux people, I say this with the utmost respect and I am making a point here.) The reality was that you had to know computers pretty well to get around in the linux world. Well, I'm proof that this isn't the case anymore. We have been using a linux operating system on old, seemingly dead computers out here in Africa for a few years now. I specifically use one that's called Puppy Linux (Just Google it). The thing about these operating systems is that they boot from a CD or from a USB key without requiring a huge (or even fully functional) hard drive. You can turn a 10 year old computer into a rapidly-working computer that is virus resistant. Even more, you can walk around with a USB key as if it were your own personal laptop, plug it in to most computers and have all of your applications and personalized settings there at your fingertips.
This is why, if you have an old laptop that you may not need anymore, you can contact me immediately and we can get it sent out here so that people can use the things instead of having them just collect dust in your closet.
Sorry if this sounded like an ad. And thanks to all you linux people who are doing amazing stuff and getting so little credit or remuneration for it! Have a great rest of the week! - Jeff